Interactive Story Acting
Interactive Story Acting is a special form of theater where an experienced actor acts out a fairytale by slipping into the roles of the various characters. The children participate in the experience of creating the play by sharing their opinions, interacting with the storyteller, and even jumping up on stage and performing different roles such as the Seven Dwarfs or different animals in the forest. It is a wonderful theatrical form where children actively participate in creating a thrilling theater experience.
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Anna Heesch
Vita Jahrgang 2004 2009-2019 wettbewerbsorientiertes Tanzen 2021-2022 Jahrespraktikum im Galli Theater Frankfurt 2021-fortlaufend Fachabitur mit dem Schwerpunkt Gestaltung
ab 3 Jahre
Spielort Galli Theater Frankfurt
Einlass ab 10:15 Uhr
Beginn 10:30 Uhr
Dauer ca. 50 Min
Preise Erw 11€/ Ki 8€